Cedric Porcher and Noel Herve, MudRacer team, began their adventure in the Ultra4 Europe races just last year and in a short time as rookie of this discipline they became protagonists fighting on equal terms with the top drivers of Ultra4 Europe. This year, after three races, they are second in the championship ranking.
Da un pick up Power Wagon del 1951 e dalla passione per il fuoristrada di Jeremy Benson è nato il Race Tractor. Un bellissimo prototipo in stile Ultra4 che esibisce una grande personalità e stile.
The Race Tractor was born from a 1951 Power Wagon pickup and from Jeremy Benson's off-road passion. A beautiful Ultra4 style truck that exhibits great personality and style.
Let's continue our journey into the world of Ultra4 Europe by introducing the French Nicolas Montador and the rig with which he will participate in the King of the Hammers 2019. Nicolas has moved from stuntman and restorer of old cars to Ultra4 prototype builder and top driver of Ultra4 Europe.
Continuiamo il nostro viaggio nel mondo di Ultra4 Europe presentandovi il francese Nicolas Montador ed il prototipo con il quale parteciperà alla King of the Hammers 2019. Nicolas è passato da stuntman e restauratore di vecchie auto a costruttore di tubolari Ultra4 e pilota di punta di Ultra4 Europe.
Pochi piloti in Europa hanno vinto in un solo anno ben 6 titoli in gare internazionali. Jim Marsden della Gigglepin Racing detiene questo invidiato record per l’anno 2018. In questo articolo scopriremo tutti i segreti del suo prototipo Little Lady.
Only a few drivers in Europe have won 6 titles in international competitions in just one year. Jim Marsden of Gigglepin Racing holds this envied record for the year 2018. In this article we will discover all the secrets of his rig Little Lady.