Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
Vi presento Mistress, la nuova race car di Gigglepin Racing. Prendi un caffè, una birra o semplicemente siediti e scopri tutti i secreti del nuovo amore di Jim Marsden costruita attorno ad un telaio della Miller Motorsports e con un performante V8 LS7 da 625 cavalli.
Meet Mistress, the new race car from Gigglepin Racing. Grab a coffee, a beer or just sit down and discover all the secrets of Jim Marsden's new love built around a Miller Motorsports chassis and with a high-performance 625 horsepower LS7 V8.
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
The Center Tout Terrain of Montalieu Vercieu (F) will host for the second time an Ultra4 Europe race. The French location, on the left side of the Rhone, is an perfect terrain for the Ultra4 rigs. The King of France will take place from June 10 to 12 in the Center Tout Terrain Vallée Bleue near Lyon.
The King of the Hammers, is considered the "toughest one day off road race in the world." It is the cornerstone of a week long off road festival in Johnson Valley, California. More than 60,000 spectators are expected to attend while millions more watch online! From January 27 to February 5, the epic King of the Hammers week will be on stage in the Johnson Valley (CA).
The King of the Hammers, is considered the "toughest one day off road race in the world." It is the cornerstone of a week long off road festival in Johnson Valley, California. More than 60,000 spectators are expected to attend while millions more watch online! From January 27 to February 5, the epic King of the Hammers week will be on stage in the Johnson Valley (CA).
La King of the Hammers, è considerata la "corsa fuoristrada di un giorno più dura del mondo". È la pietra angolare di un festival off road di una settimana a Johnson Valley, in California. Si prevede che oltre 60.000 spettatori parteciperanno mentre altri milioni guarderanno online! Dal 27 gennaio al 5 febbraio, l'epica settimana di King of the Hammers andrà in scena nella Johnson Valley (CA).
La Johnson Valley è quel luogo unico dove al fianco dei potenti Ultra4 da 800 cavalli troviamo in gara piccoli team con grandi sogni. E’ questo il caso di Amber Turner che ha partecipato All’Every Man Challenge con un piccolo Suzuki Samurai ispirata dalle gesta di Jessi Combs.
Johnson Valley is that unique place where alongside the powerful 800 horsepower Ultra4 vehicles we find small teams with big dreams competing. This is the case of Amber Turner who participated in the Every Man Challenge with a small Suzuki Samurai inspired by the exploits of Jessi Combs.