I told you in detail how the BF Goodrich King of France went. Before closing this second chapter of the 2019 season of Ultra4 Europe, let's let some protagonists of the race tell this story.
Il Centre Tout Terrain di Montalieu Vercieu (F) ha ospitato la seconda gara del campionato 2019 di Ultra4 Europe. La nuova location francese, sulla riva sinistra del Rodano, è piaciuta a tutti i piloti che hanno trovato un terreno ideale per i loro rigs. L’inglese Rob Butler è il vincitore della BF Goodrich King of France.
The Center Tout Terrain of Montalieu Vercieu (F) hosted the second race of the Ultra4 Europe 2019 championship. The new French location, on the left bank of the Rhone, was enjoyed by all the drivers who found an ideal terrain for their rigs. The Englishman Rob Butler is the winner of the BF Goodrich King of France.