This year Europa Truck Trial in Montalieu Vercieu has celebrating its 26 years of activity. I can safely say that the small French village overlooking the Rhone is the real home of this spectacular offroad discipline. Over the weekend of 4 and 5 June, 42 crews from most of Europe competed to gain the first points of the 2022 European Championship. The French appointment of the Europa Truck Trial did not disappoint expectations and the race was full of adrenaline and twists.
This year Europa Truck Trial is celebrating its 30 years of activity. In France at Montalieu Vercieu celebrated this important anniversary. With its 23 years of uninterrupted Truck Trial, I can safely say that the small French village overlooking the Rhone is the real home of this spectacular offroad discipline.
L’Europa Truck Trial quest’anno compie 30 anni ed in Francia a Montalieu Vercieu ha festeggiato questo importante anniversario. Con i suoi 23 anni ininterrotti di truck trial, posso affermare tranquillamente che il piccolo villaggio francese che si affaccia sul Rodano è la vera casa di questa spettacolare disciplina offroad.