Posts tagged with "axel burmann"

Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 10. December 2024
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 04. December 2023
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.

Ultra4 Europe: everything you need to know
English articles · 20. April 2023
Everyone knows everyting about King of the Hammers, its kings and how Ultra4 Racing was born. And what about Ultra4 Europe? Its kings and its champions? In this article I will try to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra4 Europe.
Grande successo per la King of France 2022
Articoli italiano · 14. June 2022
Per la seconda volta, il Centre Tout Terrain di Montalieu Vercieu (F) ha ospitato, dal 10 al 12 giugno, la King of France, gara del campionato Ultra4 Europe. L’evento è stato organizzato da Nicolas Montador, famoso pilota e costruttore di veicoli 4x4 francese, che ha saputo raccogliere il plauso di tutti i piloti di questa disciplina offroad. Si è trattato di un weekend avvincente ed adrenalinico che ha offerto un grande spettacolo. Il francese Nicolas Pareau ha vinto al suo esordio.

A great success archived for the King of France 2022
English articles · 14. June 2022
For the second time, , from 10 to 12 June, the Center Tout Terrain in Montalieu Vercieu (F) hosted the King of France, race of the Ultra4 Europe championship. The event was organized by Nicolas Montador, a famous French driver and 4x4 vehicles builder, who was able to garner the applause of all the drivers of this off-road discipline. It was an exciting and adrenaline-pumping weekend that offered a great show. Frenchman Nicolas Pareau won on his debut in the premier class 4400 Unlimited.
King of France and Ultra4 Europe 2022 championship
English articles · 27. May 2022
The Center Tout Terrain of Montalieu Vercieu (F) will host for the second time an Ultra4 Europe race. The French location, on the left side of the Rhone, is an perfect terrain for the Ultra4 rigs. The King of France will take place from June 10 to 12 in the Center Tout Terrain Vallée Bleue near Lyon.

Articoli italiano · 05. June 2020
Tutti conoscono molto bene la King of the Hammers, chi sono i suoi “king” e di come è nata Ultra4 Racing. E che dire di Ultra4 Europe? I suoi “Re” ed i suoi campioni? In questo articolo cercherò di fare luce su tutto ciò che devi sapere su Ultra4 Europe.
English articles · 24. September 2019
After three races (Spain, France and Wales), the BF Goodrich King of Poland will award the 2019 title of the Ultra4 Europe championship. Looking at the overall ranking, the battle for the title seems to be between the United Kingdom and France. After the Polish race, the selection of the drivers admitted to the Road to Hammers will be made official.

Articoli italiano · 03. August 2019
Per la sua terza gara del 2019, Ultra4 Europe è ritornata la dove tutto è iniziato: la Walters Arena. Jim Marsden ha vinto la BF Goodrich King of Britain ed è leader nella classifica del campionato 2019. Dopo tre gare facciamo il punto della situazione sulla stagione 2019 di Ultra4 Europe.
English articles · 03. August 2019
For its third race of 2019, Ultra4 Europe is back where it all started: the Walters Arena. Jim Marsden won the BF Goodrich King of Britain and is a leader in the 2019 championship standings. After three races, here is the point of the Ultra4 Europe 2019 season.

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