Dopo un interessante 2015 purtroppo menomato di una gara, quella francese, Ultra4 Europe è in pieno fermento per la stagione agonistica 2016 con molte ed interessanti novità. Vi presentiamo inoltre il calendario gare 2016.
Il 2016 vedrà crescere ancora di più questa bella realtà europea e la notizia più interessante è che molto probabilmente verrà organizzata per fine maggio la King of France. La location si trova alle porte di Parigi, scelta che aiuta senza dubbio tutti quanti per raggiungere il campo di gara. Nicolas Montador (team WSR) sarà l’uomo di collegamento in terra francese mentre Chris Bowler lavorerà, come al solito, con la sua maestria sul tracciato. Il resto del calendario sarà simile a quello del 2015: King of Italy in giugno, King of Portugal in settembre e, altra novità, King of Britain in ottobre. Le date non sono ancora confermate anche se probabilmente saranno gli stessi weekend di quest’anno.
20 - 22 maggio Maxxis Tyres King of France
17 - 19 giugno Maxxis Tyres King of Italy
14 - 17 settembre Maxxis Tyres King of Potugal
07 - 09 ottobre Maxxis Tyres King of Britain
Altra novità riguarda l’intenzione di creare delle “series” nazionali; si inizierà dall’Inghilterra con quattro gare che molto probabilmente si svolgeranno in marzo, aprile, luglio e agosto!
Richard Crossland, Managing Director, comunica la decisione con queste parole: “ Ciò significa che ora potrete guidare i vostri 4x4 per tutto l'arco dell'anno. Avete investito molte migliaia di euro per la loro costruzione ed è ora di usarli!”
Infine Ultra4 Europe nel 2016 sarà ancora più impegnata in vari eventi europei per promuovere il campionato. Se siete interessati a far parte della crew per la promozione, contattate U4E tramite l’apposito modulo di iscrizione che troverete sul sito web.
Richard termina con i saluti “Ancora una volta speriamo di vedervi numerosi sui campi di gara per la stagione 2016”.
Per maggiori informazioni: www.ultra4europe.com - Facebook
Leggi i report delle gare 2015:
Di seguito la versione integrale in inglese della newsletter:
The season is finally over, the year started badly having to cancel a race, the worst possible circumstance we have to deal with. However Italy started the tide turning, Wales gave us the best race yet and Portugal continued to maintain the standards it demands.
2016 will see us grow even more. To confirm the King of France will happen!
We have the site confirmed. It is just outside of Paris so very easy for all to get to. Nicolas Montador is going to be our man on the ground and looking after the infrastructure, whilst our tame course designer Chris Bowler will be working his magic once again. The rest of the calendar will be similar King of Italy in June, King of Portugal in September and the King of Britain will be in October. Whilst we cannot confirm dates, we are aiming for them to be similar if not the same weekends as this year.
The new series on the agenda for 2016 and one we fell will rapidly grow is the short course series. This will start in the UK for 2016. Four weekends making eight rounds of competition. The trial we held this year was awesome and proved this type of racing is long overdue. We will be holding rounds throughout the UK and again on courses we have never used before, so keep March, April, July and August free!
This means that you can now use your trucks throughout the whole year. You have invested many thousands of euro's, pounds or dollars into building them, so now use them.
Many of you will have seen the pictures from the latest event ULTRA4 attended. Santa Pod raceway and yes we went drag racing!
Many thought as number two Gigglepin driver Jerry Hunt finished higher in the final European standings than his teammate and number one driver Jim Marsden, that he would win the race. Unfortunately for Jerry, the power and experience of Jim showed through and he won comfortably.
We also had Drew Wright and Alex Parpottas representing. Both trucks were very popular with the public and the day was topped off for Alex by setting the fastest time of the day for ULTRA4 and he did not blow a diff!
As part of our ongoing promotion of ULTRA4 Europe we are attending more shows than ever and displaying our trucks for the public to see. We are confirmed at Autosport again for 2016 along with many other shows we have planned into the calendar. This is were you come in. If you would like to be part of the ULTRA4 display team then you will need to download the application form and send your information back to us. If you meet the criteria then you will be representing ULTRA4 at least once in 2016. This may sound a little regimented but we need to get a database of clean, good lucking trucks from all classes so we can show everyone what we are about. The more people that follow the better our races will be as we will have better sponsorship, so it's a win / win for everyone. Again we hope to see you at a show next year.
As we get confirmation from local authorities that the dates we have proposed are approved we will post them on line and confirm everything in the next newsletter,
You will see more information on social media appearing as our new media manager Kerry Eades and her assistant Anna Baxter start to get information to you. Kerry can be contacted on media@ultra4europe.com.
That's all for now. Thank you for supporting and helping our racing grow.
Richard Crossland
Managing Director.